
Color: <String>

There are 3 valid formats for colors: simple, rgb, and hex. (Pick whichever one you like the most. I prefer hex)

Colors using the simple format are like the vanilla minecraft chat colors. Here is the predefined list:

  • "black"

  • "dark_blue"

  • "dark_green"

  • "dark_aqua"

  • "dark_red"

  • "dark_purple"

  • "gold"

  • "gray"

  • "dark_gray"

  • "blue"

  • "green"

  • "aqua"

  • "red"

  • "light_purple"

  • "yellow"

  • "white"

To use the rgb format, use red-green-blue. For example, purple could look like this: 255-0-255. Online color calculators should have support for rgb.

For hex, use #<code>, where <code> is the 6 digit hex. Online color calculators should have support for hex


Color: "red" # RED
Color: "255-0-0" # RED 
Color: "#FF0000" # RED

Last updated