Mechanics is a "simple" scripting language that lets you create custom actions (like sending a message or spawning a firework). Across our wikis, you often see a config key and then <Mechanics>
, like this:
Whenever you see those <Mechanics>
, that means you use all the features from this wiki!
Getting Started
Each line consists of 3 components:
The first and most crucial component is the Mechanic, which defines the action. Here is an example that sends a message to the player who caused the mechanic:
Each mechanic has arguments. For the mechanic above, message
is an argument. Every mechanic can use the following arguments:
The number of ticks between repeating mechanics
How many times to repeat the mechanic
The number of ticks before the mechanic executes
The random chance the mechanic executes
This mechanic has a chance of executing. If it does execute, after seconds (), 5 messages will be sent with second between each message.
Targeters choose the "who" and the "where" the mechanic happens. For example, for a message, you should target a player. For some mechanics, like Message{}
, you need to target an entity instead of a player.
Targeters always start with an @
character. A Targeter is not required, since it defaults to @Source{}
. This means both of these are equivalent:
Some targets use arguments. Every Targeter can use the following arguments:
Target the entity's eye location instead of the location of its feet.
This mechanic will play the explosion sound 1 block in front of the eyes of the entity that caused the mechanics.
Conditions let you filter out specific targets. You can use as many Conditions as you want. By default, no conditions are used. Conditions always start with a ?
Every Condition can use the inverted=true/false
argument. When true
the condition will be inverted, meaning the opposite must be true. For example:
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