
Configurable weapon controls

    Main_Hand: <TriggerType>
    Off_Hand: <TriggerType>
      Main_Hand: <TriggerType>
      Off_Hand: <TriggerType>
      Reloading: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Zooming: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Sneaking: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Standing: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Walking: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Riding: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Sprinting: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Dual_Wielding: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Swimming: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      In_Midair: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Gliding: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Ammo_Empty: <DENY/REQUIRED>
      Deny_Mechanics: <Mechanics>

For TriggerType, you have the following options:

  • start_sneak

  • end_sneak

  • double_sneak

  • start_sprint

  • end_sprint

  • right_click

  • left_click

  • drop_item

  • jump

  • double_jump

  • start_swim

  • end_swim

  • start_glide

  • end_glide

  • swap_hands

  • start_walk

  • end_walk

  • start_in_midair

  • end_in_midair

  • start_stand

  • end_stand


The trigger used when the weapon is held in the main hand.


The trigger used when the weapon is held in the off hand.


When dual-wielding weapons, you may want to change the trigger. For example, you may want to change the scoping trigger from left_click to start_sneak.

  • Main_Hand -> Dual wielding trigger for main hand.

  • Off_Hand -> Dual wielding trigger for off hand.


Allows you to deny or force certain actions for the trigger to work. For example, you can deny shooting while sprinting or scoping while dual-wielding.

For the following options, use:

  1. DENY to prevent the trigger from working with this condition.

  2. REQUIRED to force the entity to use this condition before the trigger works.

  3. Delete the config line to allow the action.

  • Reloading -> If the shooter is reloading the weapon.

  • Zooming -> If the shooter is currently scoping.

  • Sneaking -> If the shooter is holding shift.

  • Standing -> If the shooter is not moving.

  • Walking -> If the shooter is walking.

  • Riding -> If the shooter is riding a mount.

  • Sprinting -> If the shooter is sprinting.

  • Dual_Wielding -> If the shooter is using 2 weapons.

  • Swimming -> If the shooter is currently submerged underwater or sprint swimming.

  • In_Midair -> If the shooter is not on the ground.

  • Gliding -> If the shooter is gliding with an elytra.

  • Ammo_Empty -> If the held weapons are empty


The mechanics to play when the trigger is denied. Usually, this is a sound queue (like an angry villager) or an action bar alerting the user that they cannot perform that action. Use the Mechanics wiki.

  • @Source{} -> The player who attempted to use the trigger

  • <deny_reason> -> Which "action" caused the denial.

    • This will be 1 option from Circumstance, but lowercase.

    • For example, Dual_Wielding -> dual wielding.


      Main_Hand: "LEFT_CLICK"
      Off_Hand: "LEFT_CLICK"
        Dual_Wielding: "DENY"
          - "ActionBar{message=<red><i>You cannot scope while <deny_reason>!}"

This example is taken from the 50_GS, and will let players scope with the pistol by punching. If they are holding 2 weapons, players will not be able to scope.

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