
Zoom in with your weapon

    Trigger: <Trigger>
    Night_Vision: <true/false>
    Pumpkin_Overlay: <true/false> # This is a WMC (Paid) feature
    Zoom_Amount: <1-10>
    Mechanics: <Mechanics>
    Shoot_Delay_After_Scope: <ticks>
      Trigger: <Trigger>
      Mechanics: <Mechanics>
        - <1-10>
        - <1-10>
        - <etc.>
      Mechanics: <Mechanics>


This is the trigger used to actually use scope. Use Trigger.


Whether to give entity night vision effect during scoping. The night vision potion is given via packets.


This is a WeaponMechanicsCosmetics (Paid) feature!

When this is a true, a "fake" pumpkin will be put on the player's head. This can be used to create a scope reticle. Check WeaponMechanicsCosmetics > config.yml to change the name/lore of the pumpkin. Note that this feature doesn't work for players in Creative mode! Since creative players can duplicate items, the pumpkin sometimes stays on the head even after leaving the scope. For survival players, this is only a visual effect. If they were previously wearing a helmet, the server (and every other player) still thinks the shooter is wearing a helmet.

Scope Reticle Image



Defines the zoom amount. The value has to be between 1 and 10. Where 1 is lowest and 10 is the highest zoom. You can also use decimals like 2.6, 4.8, etc.


Mechanics triggered when the player scopes in. Use Mechanics.


If this gun zooms in, this is the time in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) after the entity is able to fire the gun.


  • Trigger

    • If you want unscoping to use a different trigger, you can define that here.

    • For most use cases, you can just delete this line.

    • Use Trigger.

  • Mechanics

    • These mechanics are run when entity zooms out.

If you use start_sneak, then you should use end_sneak here for the trigger. Otherwise, the plugin will force players to sneak (press shift) twice to scope and to unscope.


Zoom stacking allows you to create multiple "levels" to zoom to. After the stacking reaches a maximum value, it will zoom out. Using the Zoom_Off.Trigger, you can exit zoom stacking prematurely.

  • Stacks

    • Defines the list of zoom stacks

    • After initial Zoom_Amount this list is used in given order

  • Mechanics

    • These mechanics are run when entity stacks zoom.

    • Use Mechanics.

In this example there is 2 stacks, and 1.5 is the first zoom amount. Basically the order here is 1.5 -> 3.0 -> 7.0 -> zoom out

      Main_Hand: "LEFT_CLICK"
      Off_Hand: "LEFT_CLICK"
    Zoom_Amount: 1.5
        - 3.0
        - 7.0

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